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Welcome to Find 50 World Cup Players

A football quiz that separates the die-hard fans from the armchair supporters. As a brand new World Cup rolls around, there will be drama, tears, memes, trolling and victories galore but why should the teams have all the glory?

Now is your chance to place yourself in the hall of fame and be a legend in the footballing world.

Disclaimer: Reflect Digital are not responsible for any torn out hair, loss of sleep or other symptoms caused by concentrating so hard.



Step 1 - Click ‘Play Now’ to access the quiz.

Step 2 - Take a look at the image and rack your brains for any player.

Step 3 - Click on the image when you think you’re onto something. Type in your guess in the box provided.

Step 4 - Hit submit and…

Step 5 - …Cry with rage or shout with joy (subject to step 4’s result).

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to save your progress so you don’t lose all your hard graft!



If you’re really struggling, give Reflect Digital a shout on Facebook or Twitter page and we’ll help you out with a clue. Yes a clue, not the answer! That’ll be too easy…

  • Remember, try not to share too many of your answers. When asking us for help, screenshot the dots of corrects scores and not the list!
  • There may be multiple answers surrounding one object so make sure you investigate the available areas as thoroughly as possible.
  • Alternatively, give the guys or girls a shout on your Whatsapp group. 15 heads are better than one.
  • Don’t forget to save your progress by creating an account. This means you can play your quiz wherever you are, from the pub to the pitch.
  • Expect answers to pop into your head whilst doing the strangest tasks: washing up, cutting the grass, picking up the kids from school, etc. If an answer suddenly comes to you whilst you’re in the office - remember, people will think you’re crazy and may call the white coats in if you start shouting “Cat In A Tree!” at the top of your lungs for no apparent reason.

Get Stuck in!


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